Free Poker
One thing we all know the game of poker to be, is not free. So what's this concept all about then? Well, the Internet has ushered a new age of online game-play, and playing poker for free is a handy little side benefit of this progress. Online Casinos are like credit card companies, they know that the basis of their business is a subscription service. People who like or are familiar with one credit card will tend to use this card more than any other, people who like or are familiar with one online casino will use this casino more often than another.
How does this bring us a free game of poker? Simple, in that pitch to land you as their next customer, online casinos offer all of their games in fully functional 'free' versions for you to play on without risk. The majority of big online casinos offer a poker room in addition to the ubiquitous video poker (which, if you're a visitor here you already know is quite far removed from the real game of poker) - and so, you can access this poker room without ever even giving up a credit card number. You should always be able to test the online casino you're planning on depositing at by trying their software for free ahead of time, it's a safe, convenient method of ensuring your money is going towards something worthwhile. Poker is no exception to this rule, and the fun bit is, most online poker rooms, even in the free version, let you join live games between other real players (not the ones playing for real money of course, but the other demo players).
This means you get a full game of poker (texas hold'em is the most common online form of the game it seems) for absolutely nothing, nada, zip, it's simply free.
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