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Poker Tips

With the different varieties of poker out there, there is no way I can cover every tip there is out there for every style. I will do my best to cover some of the more basic tips that might help you win the next game you decide to sit down at.

Math Skills

This is one you will definitely want to have in your favor when you consider playing any game of poker. The fundamentals of the game are based on mathematical calculations, so if you have an understanding of the percentages of cards coming up then you are one step on the foes that don’t. Good poker players know that they have about 1 in 8 chance of hitting a set when holding a pocket pair, and that you have about a 1 in 3 chance of completing a flush draw at the flop.


If you’re in the game to win you will want to gain some of this stuff. Discipline will make or break you at the poker table. Just betting for the sake of betting does not make a smart poker. Good poker players have a reason to betting and don’t just throw there money away gambling. Before you throw your money out on the table by raising or calling consider ‘Why’ and what the odds are. Remember that money not lost this round is money that you can use to win on the next round.

Psychological Skills

Psychological skills are a must in my poker tips. It starts from the moment you walk in the room, size up your opponents and sit down. Poker is just as much a head game as it is a card game. The good players know the answers to three questions.

1- what does my foe have
2- what does my foe think I have
3- what does my foe think I think he has

Having the answers to these questions will make your betting and over experience a better one at the table. These things take time mind you. You won’t sit down at your first game and be reading cards and players right of the bat. Give yourself time and watch people, check out your surroundings and how people react to different things. These signs might help you in the latter of the game.

A Clear Understanding of Risk-vs-Reward

Finally knowing the risk vs reward can increase your success and longevity. Players are sometimes willing to risk something if the reward is big enough and that they might have enough bank roll to keep playing if they by chance lose at the risk. At some point of the game everyone takes a chance and risks more than normal, but the important thing is to do it at the right time when the odds and reward is in your favor.

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