Online Poker
Online Poker is the latest way to play. It's for real money, and it's against real people, not against a computer. Online Poker isn't some dumbed down, video version of the game, it's full out Texas Hold'em style game play against real people for real winnings.
This puts poker in a unique position among all of the online gambling options. Most of the time you're playing online against the house, just like in the casino, and most games have a fixed house edge and it's always set against you. But as a poker player you already understand that your biggest advantage is that you're playing against other players, and a big part of your game is knowing a good table to pick, one that looks like it's full of amateurs.
Just like in the land based world, in online poker the house takes a cut of the total winnings, but doesn't affect the game-play between players. The great advantage to playing poker online is that it's chock full of amateurs. It's like walking into a casino and seeing a full poker table full of novices, every time.
Of course, we can't guarantee that the table you end up at online wont have a good player at it, but at this point in time, so early on in the relative life of online poker, it seems to be mainly attracting people who have played other games online, in other words, people who are not primarily poker players. If this makes you smile, you're in the right place, and you stand to gain. It might be in your best interests to hop around from room to room a bit, play a few hands, and get a sense of the table.
You might think that not being able to see the other players faces will put you at a disadvantage, but honestly, seeing how they play out each hand gives you more than enough general information about the player, and how much they might like to bet.
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