How to play poker
There are some places online which offer a form of standard poker, and of course the Internet can be a powerful took for connecting with other people sharing your interests. Poker tournaments can be found in various cities around the world, clubs, associations and groups all make themselves accessible through online media.
On this page we feature the basic rules and game-play of two very popular forms of poker: 5 card draw, and Stud poker. Each poker game utilizes standard hand ranking rules, but has unique game-play.
5 Card Draw - the classic of the standard poker games
Players: 3-7
Initial Deal: five down cards to each player
There is a betting round after the deal, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. After the betting round, each player may exchange up to three cards. Another round of betting ensues, followed by the showdown. With fewer than six Players, a player may draw four cards if they show that their remaining card is an Ace.
Winner: High hand
Standard Variations:
· Adding wild cards to play (and allowing five-of-a-kinds if chosen).
· High/low: the highest hand and lowest hand split the pot.
· Lowball: Lowest hand wins
· Allowing for four card draw with an ace.
· Double draw: After the first exchange and subsequent betting, there is another exchange and betting round.
Stud Poker
Players: 3-10
Initial Deal: 1 down, 1 up (5 card stud) or 2 down, 1 up (7 card stud) to each player
Game-Play: Betting begins after the deal. After each round of betting, each player is dealt one card face up except for the last card, which is dealt face down. Showdown occurs after the last round.
Winner: High and low hands split.
Standard Variations:
· Last card dealt face-up.
· Adding wild cards.
· Canadian Stud: 5 card stud. 4-card straight beats a pair, 4-card flush beats a 4-card straight, 2 pair beats a 4-card flush. This adds more hands to shoot for, making 5 card stud more interesting.
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