Poker Chips
Want to play poker? Well then you are going to have to get yourself some poker
stuff. Stuff. We all need it. And when it comes to poker you will need a few
things - one being poker chips. There are many places where you can purchase
these, and there are many brands, styles and quality.
Personally I like to buy quality. I have played a lot of poker in my day and
there is nothing worse than playing with those cheap plastic things that they
call poker chips. If you have ever sat down at a real poker table you will know
what I mean by real chips. Some of which can be expensive but it is worth it
in your overall poker experience.
One thing that you will want to consider is the amount that you will want to buy.
There are all types of sizes, quantity and colors out there so make sure you shop
around and choose what you will want to play with for some time. You might want
to consider asking a couple of your poker buddies to chip in or just ask there
opinion on what style they like.
Some places actually allow you to customize your chips. Putting initials, even
logos on chips is not uncommon. Places have a minimum that you buy depending
on style and what you want done with them but the possibilities are endless.
Clay Chips
Heavy Plastic
Advertising Chips
Featured Chips
Monte Carlo Style Chips
The above links will take you to
where again the possibilities are endless. I definitely recommend these guys as
one of your number one stops when considering purchasing poker chips online.
Now there are many other things out there when it comes to setting up a poker
game. How are you going to play, if you don’t have a table or cards, my
god you can not forget about cards. And there is nothing worse than playing with
a bad deck of cards so make sure you by a good deck. So there are several things
out there aside from just poker chips that you will want to look into. Good luck
and remember practice makes perfect so you might be interested in trying out our
games for that extra little practice.
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